As a business owner in the manufacturing and distribution sector, you are well aware of the many challenges you face like increasing costs of raw materials; productivity and profitability concerns; changing income and sales tax regulations; offshoring and an increasingly international landscape. In order to maintain success, you need an accounting and advisory partner who is prepared to be direct about addressing the tough issues you face.
The experienced Pivot CPAs manufacturing & distribution team is here to help you mitigate risks, grow your business, and realize your goals. We understand what it takes to achieve success in your field: expert knowledge, access to accurate data, and the ability to act decisively under pressure.
Pivot CPAs offers our manufacturing and distribution sector clients thorough and professional services tailored to their individual needs, including:
- Evaluation of Financing Alternatives
- Cost Control Studies
- Sales and Use Tax Issues
- Research and Development Tax Credit Studies
- Maximization of Depreciation Deductions, Including Cost Segregation Studies
- Product and Product Line Profitability Analysis
- Inventory Management and Control Reviews
- Activity Based Costing
- Outsourcing Analysis
- Calculation of Manufacturing and Overhead Costs
Click here to start a conversation about your business’s needs.